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"Refinement of Lines"

In the 1990s, for almost 10 years, I created a series of paintings called "Refinement of Lines." Lines divide the world, make connections, and present us with new frameworks in our face. Drawing lines is meant to embody the reality of the moment of the work of painting becoming complete. The ideal here is not the lines going to a particular image, but the lines themselves appearing in front of us with the original impulse. This idea is what I called "Refinement of Lines," and it stood as a basic structure of the work during the period, however different the title of the work might be.

"Memory of Earth"

In the 2000s, I began to be interested in the various elements accompanying lines. For instance, the trace of dripping paints is very attractive. In this period, I placed scrap pieces of papers and fragments of paintings under the works I worked on, letting them receive the traces of dripping paints, and I let them go back to the screen of a piece of work by making a collage. Clods of paints accumulated on the floor of the studio are filled with the memory of the studio, like strata. At the same time, mineral pigments I use are the minerals dug out from earth itself in somewhere in the world. "Memory of Earth" is the memory of earth itself and the memory of the place I worked on.

"Shape of Lines"

In my recent works, I named them "Shape of Lines." This series of works differ from "Refinement of Lines," which emphasizes the act of drawing, or "Memory of Earth," which accompanies the natural expression that paints create. New lumps of shape emerge, that are different form the original lines, by piling up various colors of lines on the same spot. In a glance, it looks like a part of a surface, but it is intended to be a collection of lines. This shape appears definite, but is abstract. It also looks abstract but definite. This moment when a shape that is charged with ambiguity is born is, I consider, the beginning of symbolization, and the moment when a painting come to being.

Materials used for paintings

I use paper as a base material, and paints with mineral pigments and similar granulation materials, water-based paints. The attractiveness of mineral pigments is that its origin is clear. Mineral pigments are originally stones and rocks that are dug out somewhere, and are crushed into grains small enough to use as paints. This reminds us the fact that our civilization exploit nature, and we are here in the favor. Another attraction is its graininess. The rougher the grain is, the more we recognize the stones and rocks itself. On the other hand, the finer the grain becomes, almost to the point of not being able to see, the closer it becomes to a photograph. The size of grains in mineral pigments has a role just between materials and images.
Also, paper as the base material is clear in its origin but is ambiguous in its existence. Paper, unlike a canvas, shows itself as material, at the same time it changes into various images, becoming space or time. For this reason, like mineral pigments, it exists between materials and images. My works rely on these materials.